B2B Coaching. Have commercial success, stress-free NOW.

Show me now how to achieve it >>
Demonstrate your empathetic leadership with the proven methodology adapted to consistently sell million-dollar contracts.

Technology startup director with the best, sophisticated and high-value products...
you're in the right place!
Exceed B2B sales, even +8-digit goals

How do I scale my startup with little experience in Enterprise Sales?
How do I increase closed-won's without being ghosted?
How do I highlight the value of my over 1 million dollars offer?
I'm losing customers... or why are they choosing my competition?
How do I apply Growth strategies and differentiate the value of my product?
My startup is in hyper-growth, how come there are no sales month after month?

Apply and impact from session 1, with perseverance and smart practice

  • Storytelling
  • Influencia
  • Motivación
  • Procesos y Sales operations
  • Mindset
  • Diferenciación
  • balance vida trabajo
  • Negociación
  • Estrategia de ventas
  • Orden y organización
  • Comunicación
  • Objetivos
  • Liderazgo
  • Empatía
  • Equipo comercial
  • Prospección
  • Manejo de objeciones

You know it's a lie that you don't have time or that you don't need to implement something new.

Sales director? Founder? Commercial leader?... frustrated at not closing sales. It's time to stop, start running.

Happy to share this formula with you through Sales2Bloom - increase sales and your sales team's consistency.

Less hard-work and more consistency

Work intelligently and orderly, you will obtain more results throughout the year

Not just goals, but habits

The objective is important: convert dreams to focus on your daily work

Not just techniques, the complete skillset

The formula is no magic-wand; it requires analysis, breadth and depth

Grow exponentially and exceed B2B sales.

🚀 Achieve predictability with exponential value

🚀 I grew an AI startup from 1 client to unicorn valuation ($1B USD)

🚀 Which works in times of crisis, with a small team or even high prices

Show me now how to achieve it >>

I can help con:

Effective sales process for high-value products
Sales cycle structure for control, clarity and predictability
How to onboard new sellers, establish goals and metrics to lead the sales team
Secrets of consultative sales in B2B
Achieve more sales by being an authority and a challenger to the client through an effective Account Plan
How to handle objections in B2B sales: copywriting, battlecards and communication

It's not for you si:

Your product value is less than $20k USD/year or it is already a big brand (like Google, Meta, Microsoft...)
You are not willing to carry out work and actions with consistency
You don't provide value to your customers by solving a problem with a good product
You are not open to new ways of working and communicating, nor leaving your comfort zone
You are not interested in the relationship with your client or focusing on helping them (you main focus are commissions)

Years of experience


USD sold in under 2 years


+ YoY sales


+ deals - time vs without method


I'm Rosbel Serrano-Torres, your B2B sales coach

Co-author of the best-seller book Empathetic Leadership

I believe that well-being and emotional health, in addition to reducing burnout, allows to flow and grow exponentially.
I am curious by profession and I have been selling since I was 6 years old... I have been a technology consultant and engineer (Business Intelligence, e-commerce, cybersecurity) for more than 15 years.

I developed a methodology based on empathy as a transversal element in the leadership and sales processes. I help you scale your tech company through a proven methodology adapted for contracts worth millions of dollars.

- which works in times of crisis, with a small team or even high prices - used to grow AI startup from 1 client to unicorn valuation ($1B USD).

Happy to share this formula with you through Sales2Bloom - increase sales and your sales team's consistency.

Show me now how to strengthen sales >>

Get a sales diagnosis report today >>

You may have seen me


30 days guaranteed

Responsibility and Privacy

Safe checkout, Delivered by videoconference

A quick-wins month

$ 1,850 USD / paquete

☑ Sales coaching for 1 person

☑ Duration: 3 weeks

☑ 1 weekly remote session of 45 minutes

☑ 1 extra free alignment consultation

☑ Extra support material

☑ Chat with weekly tips and insights

Subscribe me to coaching >>

B2B Coaching Program

$ 4,190 USD / paquete

☑ Sales coaching for 1 person

☑ Duration: 5 weeks

☑ 1 weekly remote session of 45 minutes

☑ 1 extra free alignment consultation

☑ Extra support material

☑ Working formula guide of the corresponding topic

☑ An offline review of activity implementation

☑ Personalized tracking by WhatsApp or Telegram

Subscribe me to coaching >>

Premium 1:1

$ 8,630 USD / paquete

☑ Sales coaching for up to 3 persons

☑ Duration: 10 weeks

☑ 1 weekly remote session of 45 minutes per person

☑ 1 extra free team alignment consultation

☑ Extra support material

☑ Working formula guide of the corresponding topic

☑ Asynchronous activity feedback

☑ Offline review of process implementation and technological stack

☑ Personalized tracking by WhatsApp or Telegram

☑ Group and remote sessions for LIVE review of each module of the program

Subscribe me to coaching >>

Next available start date

Nov 4, 2024 (Monday) Save your spot today

Let's talk and evaluate if your company/experience qualifies.

I'll help you with a FREE consultation
service testimonial
Ricardo A.
Head of Fraud Prevention en Fintech

Gracias por todas tus atenciones, nos has brindado un gran servicio y compramos en gran medida por ti.

service testimonial
Zaira P.
Head of Sales en startup de Blockchain

Lo que más me gustó del programa de Sales2Bloom de Rosbel Serrano fue que me ayudó a reforzar mi pitch de venta mediante el uso de una metodología clara, objetiva y eficaz.

Aunado a lo anterior, mi enfoque hacia las ventas cambió radicalmente porque aprendí distintas fórmulas y metodologías que me ayudaron a administrar mejor mi ciclo de ventas en función de mis objetivos de ventas.
El programa de Sales2Bloom es un conjunto de métodos de ventas probados que si los aplicas, te van a ayudar a conseguir y superar tus objetivos de venta de manera eficiente y en un corto plazo.

Les recomiendo que no pierdan un día más en el caos y le empiecen a dar forma y estructura a sus ventas 💁🏻‍♀️

service testimonial
Miranda C.
Account Executive en Startup de AI

Rosbel me enseñó a tratar con clientes de una manera más personal y generar confianza con ellos. Me ayudó a cerrar mis primeros contratos y a gestionarlos y manejarlos en momentos difíciles.

De Rosbel aprendí a ser más organizada desde una llamada inicial, seguimiento y priorización con los clientes al igual que el objetivo y estructuración de una llamada.
También es una persona extremadamente detallista y dedicada, me enseñó a hacer las cosas con dedicación y bien hechos sin importar lo que fuera.